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Showing posts from April 4, 2010

Arvind's Tweets

09:58 Awesome! RT @alfmikula: RT @DougMcInnes: Slides from the Vim Fu talk @alfmikula and I did at #laruby ! # 13:44 Enjoyed the really cool bunny chow (Indian food from South Africa) for lunch, thanks @worldfare , p.s. I love your double decker bus # 13:53 @ r0b3rta Yup I had the chicken curry, the short rib and the mac and cheese balls from @worldfare # 14:02 Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels) music video # 17:52 My boss Alex, our CTO, at our all hands tod ay. Crowd appreciated the fresh tacos, Tecate and margaritas. #

Arvind's Tweets

02:39 Enjoy, Kelis performed this song live last night on Jimmy Kimmel, she had everyone on their feet. This song is getting … # 20:31 Ryan and Maya play tic tac toe on the iPad #

Arvind's Tweets

14:53 Very sad after watching this video; I know our troops do an extraordinary job but this is downright depressing # 15:20 Saw Hurt Locker last night, very gritty and intense movie - IMHO very deserving of Oscar win # 21:02 AP News: (Photo) # 21:05 Very close NCAA championship game, Duke managed to hang on but Butler made a great effort till the last second #

Last Night's Check-ins (04/04/2010)

Hey, This is pretty easy. Just reply to this email and put your notes about each check-in *below* that venue's name. Leaving some blank is fine. You can visit to see (and edit) your notes later on. ++ Apr 04, 12:16 AM @ Hacienda Del Puri (24377691) ++ -*-*- end email -*-*- Don't forget: has a map of all your check-ins to date! Tired of these emails? Visit to turn them off.