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Arvind's Tweets

  • 14:52 Post-it window art of 1980's video games in MySpace courtyard #
  • 17:46 "You missed" - I said as nerf dart whizzes by; "Don't taunt them" says the original target, "you're still in the line of fire". #
  • 19:39 Roof panel ripped off by wind storm, diff panel than 2 years ago, that one is still on #


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Last Night's Check-ins (06/18/2012)

Hello, To send in your notes just reply to this email and put your notes about each check-in *below* that venue's name. Leaving some blank is fine. You can visit to see (and edit) your notes later on. ++ Jun 17, 06:04 PM @ Newport Tan Cang Seafood Restaurant (4fd836676) ++ -*-*- end email -*-*-