10:48 RT @j05h RT @gregg Today's BeerFriday is back where it all began: EDISON (via @beerfriday) # 10:52 RT @jessas Excellent - RT @GaryRudolph Ballmer showing Windows 7 and creative chooses to put splash screen on a Mac bit.ly/8feP7 #fb # 13:09 I'm at Sushi Q - bkite.com/22njp # 19:24 I'm at near S Spring St & W 3rd St - bkite.com/22py0 # 19:24 I'm at Edison - bkite.com/22q0b #
07:44 I'm at Legacy of China - bkite.com/22c8c # 19:26 Flying from BOM -> DBX -> LAX ... Heading home twitpic.com/mbakt # 20:26 I'm at Dubai - bkite.com/22edf #