- 09:36 Why not! RT @DanielHonigman: Watching: Darth Vader On Wall Street (via @mollieann) post.ly/Fzso #
- 12:49 anyone have an opinion on Simulated annealing based economic dispatch algorithm vs BEES algorithm? #
- 13:18 @j05h i'm all about less haughty and more trendy .... and more beer #
- 13:28 @reidmix break a leg ...!! #
- 18:10 So true! RT@Meowmi: @winni3 @phaithful I used to play the recorder, too! And the trumpet, I don't mention those b/c they make me less Asian #
14:05 For all of you twilight fans, MySpace is carrying a stream of tonights red carpet premiere of Eclipse at www.myspace.com/twilight #