This is pretty easy. Just reply to this email and put your notes about each check-in *below* that venue's name.
Leaving some blank is fine.
This is pretty easy. Just reply to this email and put your notes about each check-in *below* that venue's name.
Leaving some blank is fine.
You can visit http://lastnightscheckins.com/notes to see your notes later on,
and http://lastnightscheckins.com/maps/25490185246 has a map of all your check-ins to date!
++ Nov 21, 01:33 PM / Arroyo soccer fields (LuMewDmRtru9kgT95aDesg==) ++
++ Nov 20, 04:05 PM / Sushi Q (1BcZNHkF9+amIY8XuaKitw==) ++
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