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Arvind's Tweets

  • 12:51 Enjoyed watching scouts in their Highland games, but disappointed that no one wore a kilt #
  • 17:25 Shopping at Chick's prior to tomorrow's ski trip #
  • 18:31 I'm at Mr Shabu Shabu - #
  • 18:32 At Nr Shabu Shabu celebrating son getting all A's #
  • 18:50 Ryan says: Hey dad, did you know that B+ is Asian FAIL? #
  • 18:52 @genechuang you're welcome! and pls keep the Kauai tweets coming, like hearing about the cool places you've discovered! #
  • 19:03 My response to Ryan: Good, coz that's the curve you will be graded on! #
  • 00:15 @VelociRichard been following your ride, seems like it was an awesome experience #
  • 00:18 @brianeck @DougMcInnes yeah, it hailed at my house too, dogs are still freaked out by it #
  • 00:19 ok, I shaved off the beard, was getting tired of it. #
  • 00:37 To my homies in India, Happy Republic Day; to my Chinese friends, Happy New Year! #
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