If you like action and adventure, here are some shows to check out this fall. If you like chick shows, I'm not the right person to talk to. Winners: Generation Kill (HBO) - Like Animal House but with guns Sons of Anarchy (FX) - Like Sopranos but for the West Coast TrueBlood (HBO) - Psych (USA) - Hilarious ( and I can watch it with my kids) House (FOX) - Gets better and better Burn Notice (USA) - Its a crock but its funny. Chuck (NBC) - Another crock, also funny Dexter (SHO) - I cant believe I'm rooting for the serial killer in this one. Losers: Terminator - Sarah Connor Chronicles (FOX) - Lame Weeds (SHO) - Getting worse Monk (USA) - Tired Heroes (NBC) - Boring Fringe (FOX) - X Files anyone? Lost (ABC) - Who cares? Happy viewing!
Arvind Puri, family photos and posts